How sad, a heart that
does not know how to love, that
does not know what it is to be drunk with love.
If you are not in love, how can you enjoy
the blinding light of the sun,
the soft light of the moon?
From"The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam"
How sad, a heart that
does not know how to love, that
does not know what it is to be drunk with love.
If you are not in love, how can you enjoy
the blinding light of the sun,
the soft light of the moon?
From"The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam"
When you have planted the rose of Love into
your heart your life has not been in vain.
I value the lover's
sighs of happiness and I despise the hypocrite
mumbling his prayers.
Omar Khayyám
There is the silence of emptiness, the silence of fear, the silence of doubt.
There is a certain silence that can emanate from a lifeless object as from
a chair lately used, or from a piano with old dust upon its keys, or from
anything that has answered to the need of a man, for pleasure or for work.
This kind of silence can speak. Its voice may be melancholy, but it is not
always so; for the chair may have been left by a laughing child or the last
notes of the piano may have been raucous and gay. Whatever the mood or
the circumstance, the essence of its quality may linger in the silence
that follows. It is a soundless echo.
Beryl Markham
If we have loved but well
Under the sun,
Let the last morrow tell
What we have done.
Bliss Carman
What was any art but a mold to imprison for a moment
the shining elusive element which is life itself-
life hurrying past us and running away, to strong
to stop, too sweet to lose.
Willa Cather
Work of the eyes is done, now
go and do heart-work
on all the images imprisoned within you
Rainer maria rilke
Sometimes the smallest things
take up the most space in your heart.
From Winnie the Pooh
There are two means of refuge from the misery of life —
music and cats.
Albert Schweitzer
When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not
a pastime to her more than she is to me?
Michel de Montaigne
If man could be crossed with the cat
it would improve man, but deteriorate the cat.
Mark Twain
There are some things you learn best
in calm,and some in storm.
Willa Cather
The world is little,
people are little,
human life is little.
There is only one big thing — desire.
Willa Cather, The Song of the Lark
Where there is great love,
there are always miracles.
That is happiness;to be dissolved into something
complete and great.When it comes to one, it comes
as naturally as sleep.
Willa Cather, My Ántonia
A Life Well Lived
Steve Maraboli
Many people experience the travesty of regret in their end days;
the realization that nothing held them back, that nothing was
in their way, that there is no one to blame, only themselves.
What are you waiting for?
Don't just sit by waiting for your life to happen, make it happen!
Don’t just hope your dreams will come alive, breathe life into them!
Don't let your fear help you birth a well-nourished regret;
take action today!
Be amongst the few who dare to follow their dreams!
Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams... countless echoes
of “could have” and “should have”… countless books unwritten…
countless songs unsung...
Don’t choose to walk the well-worn path to regret.
Live your life in such a way that when your body is laid to rest,
it will be a well needed rest from a life well lived, a song well
sung, a book well written, opportunities well explored, and a love
well expressed.
There will always be fear; do it anyway.
Let your courage inspire the world around you!
Nobody ever talks about the pyramids that weren't built…
the books that weren't written… the songs that weren't sung…
Stop letting your fear condemn you to mediocrity.
Get out of your own way. Your dreams are a poetic reflection
of your soul's wishes.
Be courageous enough to follow them.
There is no greater time than now to experience the full power
of your potential. Make this the day you take the first step in
the beautiful journey of bringing your dreams to life.
Today is a new day. This is your chance; your moment.
Dare to exhaust yourself with all the opportunities this day
offers along the path to your dreams.
Live courageously bold! Live in such a manner that at the end
of this day, at the end of this year, at the end of this precious
life, you can hold your head up high, smile, and be proud of a life well lived.
I choose to live by choice, not by chance;
to make changes, not excuses;
to be motivated, not manipulated;
to be useful, not used;
to excel, not to compete.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not the random opinion of others.
I choose to be me.
Miranda Marrott
Nothing in life is to be feared;
it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more
so that we may fear less.
Marie Curie
We cannot see our reflection in running water.
It is only in still water that we can see.
Zen Saying
Excerpt from" Mother"
Maxim Gorky
Raising his hand and shaking it, he began slowly
in a solemn tone of assurance with faith and with strength:
"There will come a time, I know, when people will take delight
in one another, when each will be like a star to the other,
and when each will listen to his fellow as to music.
The free men will walk upon the earth, men great in their freedom.
They will walk with open hearts, and the heart of each will be pure
of envy and greed, and therefore all mankind will be without malice,
and there will be nothing to divorce the heart from reason.
Then life will be one great service to man! His figure will be
raised to lofty heights-- for to free men all heights are attainable.
Then we shall live in truth and freedom and in beauty, and those
will be accounted the best who will the more widely embrace
the world with their hearts, and whose love of it will be
the profoundest; those will be the best who will be the freest;
for in them is the greatest beauty. Then will all life be great,
and the people will be great who live that life."