Yiruma-Because I Love You
Mario Benedetti
Your hands are my caress
my daily reminders
I love you because your hands
work for justice
if I love you it's because you are
my love my accomplice and my everything
and in the street arm in arm
we are many more than two
your eyes are my spell
against a cursed day
I love you for your gaze
that looks and plants the future
your mouth that is yours and mine
your mouth doesn’t lie
I love you because your mouth
knows how to shout rebellion
if I love you it's because you are
my love my accomplice and my everything
and in the street arm in arm
we are many more than two
and for your open face
and your wanderer’s footstep
and your weeping for the world
because you are of the people I love you.
and because love is not a halo
nor morality tale
and because we are a couple
that knows it is not alone
I love you in my paradise
which is to say that in my ideal country
people live happily
without even having permission
if I love you it's because you are
my love my accomplice and my everything
and in the street arm in arm
we are many more than two

Anne Brontë
Farewell to thee! but not farewell
To all my fondest thoughts of thee:
Within my heart they still shall dwell;
And they shall cheer and comfort me.
O, beautiful, and full of grace!
If thou hadst never met mine eye,
I had not dreamed a living face
Could fancied charms so far outvie.
If I may ne'er behold again
That form and face so dear to me,
Nor hear thy voice, still would I fain
Preserve, for aye, their memory.
That voice, the magic of whose tone
Can wake an echo in my breast,
Creating feelings that, alone,
Can make my tranced spirit blest.
That laughing eye, whose sunny beam
My memory would not cherish less;--
And oh, that smile! whose joyous gleam
Nor mortal language can express.
Adieu, but let me cherish, still,
The hope with which I cannot part.
Contempt may wound, and coldness chill,
But still it lingers in my heart.
And who can tell but Heaven, at last,
May answer all my thousand prayers,
And bid the future pay the past
With joy for anguish, smiles for tears?

I Thought of You
Sara Teasdale
I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
And walking up the long beach all alone
I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
As you and I once heard their monotone.
Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
The cold and sparkling silver of the sea --
We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
Before you hear that sound again with me.
I would live in your love
Sara Teasdale
I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea,
Borne up by each wave as it passes,
drawn down by each wave that recedes;
I would empty my soul of the dreams
that have gathered in me,
I would beat with your heart as it beats,
I would follow your soul as it leads.

One Day I Wrote Her Name
Edmund Spenser
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide and made my pains his prey.
"Vain man," said she, "that dost in vain essay
A mortal thing so to immortalize;
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eke my name be wiped out likewise."
"Not so," quoth I; "let baser things devise
To lie in dust, but you shall live by fame;
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write you glorious name:
Where, whenas Death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew."
Lovely love poems for reading during the weekend.